Life is going pretty well for Percy Jackson, considering the fact that he's a son of Poseidon, god of the sea, who is constantly being attacked by monsters. He's doing alright at school, despite the fact that he's ADHD and dyslexic, and he even has a friend named Tyson. It's the last day of school, and he's quite excited to go to camp half-blood, the only safe place for demigods. But, as luck would have it, he and Tyson are attacked by some really bad monsters, and Percy's mom doesn't think percy should go to camp half blood. Percy, Tyson, and Annabeth go there anyways, only to find tat the protective barrier is failing and the camp is constantly under attack. Also, Percy's best friend Grover is missing. The three friends depart on a quest to find the only item that can save camp half-blood, which both Percy and Tyson are related to, and to save Grover. Meanwhile, Kronos is rising, along with an army of monsters and demigods. This is a great second book in the series, and you'll be meeting monsters and Gods left and right. This is most likely my favourite book in the series.
Book Boy
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-Blaise, the BookBoy.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book One: The Lightning Thief. (Rick Riordan)
THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I've calmed down. Twelve year old Percy Jackson has been kicked out of his sixth boarding school in six years. He's going to miss the latin teacher and his friend grover during summer holidays.
He never knew his real father, and his mom says he was lost at sea. Not dead, just lost. His stepfather Gabriel (AKA stinky Gabe) is a jerk to him, which is normal, and him and his mother go to the beach, which is also normal. What is not normal is that he killed his pre algebra teacher earlier in the year, and now everyone is acting like she never existed. The other not normal thing is the freak storm that comes in the middle of the night, and the fact that grover is there, but he isn't wearing pants. Where his feet should be are two cloven hooves, and his legs are covered in fur. Turns out Grover is a Satyr, and Percy's world turns upside down. His latin teacher is a centaur, the counsellor at his new camp is the god of wine, and the greek gods are real. This is an amazing book, the first in a series, and the books get better as the series progresses. I liked this book so much that I bought it!
5 Stars,
Ages 10-12,
Ages 12-14,
Ages 14-16,
All Books,
Mythical Creature(s),
Talking Animals
I Am the Cheese. (Robert Cormier)
This was an amazing book, just very hard to get your head wrapped around it. A boy is riding his bike to visit his father at the hospital. Another boy (or is it the same one?) is being interrogated/getting his memory back. The boy on the bike has a normal life, and it seems the boy in the room knows about the boy on the bike. It turns out the boy on the bike (Adam Farmer) doesn't have a very normal life, and everything is revealed at the end. Something I really liked about this book is that it ends with the same paragraph it starts with. This book was, like I said, really complicated, and even if you read it two or three times, I doubt you'll understand it. I sure didn't! The title might seem a bit strange now, but it makes way more sense at the end.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Ribblestrop (Andy Mulligan)
Ribblestrop, Ribblestrop, precious unto me, this is what I dream about and where I want to be. That is the school song for Ribblestrop towers, a brand new school in a very old house, with not very many students, only one of them a girl, all of the residents a little bit crazy. Throw in a crazy landlord, soccer, robots, donkeys, monks, secret tunnels, a ghost, and a mad scientist, and you have a perfect recipie for disaster. This book was boring to start off, but last night I couldn't sleep I was so excited. My favourite parts were the ones with the orphans. This has a bit of a gristly side to it, so if you have a weak stomach, stay far away. Life is dangerous!
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie)
You know the story,but the original is much more complicated than the movie. For example, did you know that captain Jas. Hook has blue eyes except when he is about to kill someone? Or that whenever a child says "I don't believe in fairies" a fairy drops dead? This book was very good. It was a bit hard to read, because it was all in old fashioned English. I really liked that the Neverland is in all our heads, but slightly different in everyone else's head.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
The Goodfellow Chronicles, Book One: The Sacred Seal (J.C. Mills)

it would be an extreme spoiler. Anyways, Mr. Goodfellow helps Sam (the 10 year old) with a lot and tells him an extremely captivating story about his nephew Edgar. There's also something called the Hawthorne scroll and the Sacred Seal involved. The Sacred Seal isn't the animal kind of seal. It's the keeping things closed kind of seal.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Hook's Revenge (Heidi Shulz)
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